Saturday, January 3, 2009

Recreating A Masterpiece

I stumbled on these photos tonight as I was cussing at my computer because for the umpeenth time it WON'T RECOGNIZE MY FRICKIN' CAMERA so I haven't been able to download photos from Christmas.
So to stop me from ripping out and stomping on the guts of my computer I've decided to lighten my mood by posting and remembering the waaay funny trip to Sun Valley Donna, Daryl and I had.
Wait a I go again. This is where I would typically insert a link to something I've previously posted about but since I acci-frickin-dentally deleted my old blog I won't be able to do that. No worries. Composing myself now.
So to catch you up the three of us (siblings) escaped to Sun Valley without any kids or spouses. Never before have we done this. We are all ones who use humor any way we can in any situation possible, appropriate or not, to express ourselves. So the entire weekend was spent "outlaughing" eachother.
Thank God my kids seem to have picked up on this gene. It definitely makes our days much more enjoyable.
So with out futher delay...
The Recreation-ish:

The Masterpiece :)

Donna after seeing the photo...

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