Sunday, February 8, 2009


Just about everyone who knows me knows that I love surprises. I create little ways to surprise myself each day.
I don't know when exactly I became aware of this fact.
I know that I didn't, unlike my sister, sneak into wrapped gifts. I know that when people told me they had a surprise for me I wouldn't beg to know what it was.
The best I can pinpoint it is to 1998. That's the year I got one of my best surprises~my sweet boy Kaleb. Kaleb Dylan. He is the answer to so many of my prayers.
When I found out I was pregnant I with him I was certainly not in an ideal situation.
I wasn't married. I didn't have a career. I had no goals and I certainly didn't know how to be a mom.
Over the years I have accomplished most of those things. I'm still working on what I want to be when I grow up but at least now I have a career in mind :)
Kaleb is a special boy.
He is amazingly smart-sometimes too smart for his own good!
He is becoming a master at sarcasm.
He has the sweetest heart.
He is an awesome cook.
He still holds my hand when we walk places and isn't embarrassed about it.
He adores his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.
He loves animals almost as much as I do.
At ten years old he still thinks I'm pretty cool.
He has always been incredibly observant.
He is kind and courteous.
I love when he sneaks into my bed at night and searches for my hand first thing. Then he doesn't let go all night no matter how much we shift.
He has a gift on the football field.
He makes me laugh constantly-It's saved his little behind numerous times!
He is learning to be a gentleman.
He loves hanging out with his friends.
His hands are magic on my neck after a stressful day.
He's more than I would have ever dreamt I deserve.
A few of my favorite Kaleb moments over the last few years...
Kaleb and Bella at the Boise Zoo

First year of Babe Ruth baseball

First year of flag football
One of my all time favorite photos of Kaleb
Elvis Halloween 2007...
He's a huge Elvis fan!
Florida November 2007
Kaleb and Lucy
Strikin' a pose!

Oregon Coast March 2008

Kaleb and cousin Blake in Alaska July 2008

Kaleb and Christian


1 comment:

Jenny Erazo said...

He sounds like an amazing child and looks like he has a GREAT personality. For not knowing how to be a mom, it looks like you have done an excellent job raising your children!!