Wednesday, May 20, 2009

In Four

A couple weekends ago we actually had a clear calendar and took full advantage of it. After finishing some chores at home we went to the park. It was such a beautiful day.
Best of all...I grabbed my camera and left my phone in the car! We spent over 4 hours at the park exploring, finding a baby bird nest (more on that later), swinging, playing catch and just hanging out.
When I downloaded the pictures later I was cracking up.
Here are four photos that pretty much sum up my kids' relationship. For the most part they get along fantastically but at times I just want to strangle them!
Here's Kaleb at the top seeing Bella struggling a bit and offering to help her up. But wait...

It's only so he can torture her!! Check out his funny! I can't tell you how many times I've had to say "that's just what big brothers do" or "it's in the little sister hand book".

But here he is once again helping her out. They're a great team. When they put their mind to something they work great together getting it done.
And at the end of the day they're best buds and share a ton of laughs...shhhh don't tell them I told you!


Jenny Erazo said...

Those are cute pictures! It is so when you have nothing going on and can spend some quality time with each other. I would love you to take my family picture! I'm heading to Oregon in August.....maybe we could stop by if your schedule permits:-)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of fun!