Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Since We're Here...

Looks like fun doesn't it? IT WAS!
So I figured since I publicly humiliated some of my high school peers that I would now move on to my work friends :) But I think that since I include very unflattering pictures of myself it kind of balances out, right? Well...maybe not but here goes anyway!
I work for the Nampa School District in the Administration offices. Now think with me for a minute...do you remember the administrators from when you were in school? Yeah, I know! Certainly they didn't ever have any fun...they were...OLD!
After working there for a while I have to completely rethink what I thought principals and teachers were like outside of school. All they did was think of ways to torture us, right?
The April night in question was an absolute alignment of stars, moons, planets, wheat fields, boots, beer and martinis. It had to have been 'cause it was a blast that can never be recreated.
I had gone back to work for the District permanently in January after mostly staying home with my kids for about 9 years. I had done some subbing in the classroom (big mistake!) and worked in HR here and there for about 3 years but now I am official. Now I get invited to..."Happy Hour".
So the "alignment" comes in because I was going through a really really crappy time in my life. I was a girl that needed a drink and a dance partner. They had no idea what they were doing when they extended the invitation and then offered me a third drink.
To clarify~I rarely drink. I got that all out of my system when I was...ohhh...a sophomore in high school. Doesn't do much for me these days. Anyway, knowing myself as I do I knew that if I had a third drink I would have to dance and they would have to go with me. ANOTHER MARTINI PLEASE!
We had a couple more drinks and decided to walk down the Boulevard to Cowgirls. Gwen and I were sure it was just a block or two. No problem! Ummm more like a mile or two...RIDE PLEASE!
We eventually make it to Cowgirls. Heather and I get tangled up and fall on our faces right out of the shoot...Ma'am I swear I am NOT DRUNK just very clumsy. Now can I have another drink please? Sucker...
We made a friend right away. She came over and asked if she could dance with us because she just got new boots.
Now before I go further with the "boots" story let me clarify...I like boys. A lot. I have always liked boys. A lot. I always will like boys. A lot. I can just hear it now..."Ohhh, rikki likes girls. That explains a lot...". Well, you're going to have to find other ways to explain this lot...I LIKE BOYS. A LOT.
Anyway, my sister had recently told me that if I get ever a chance I need to feel fake boobs. Do you see where this is going??
So when she said she had new boots I thought she said new boobs. At the same time I was reaching out I was asking "oh, can I feel them?", she said while reaching out "only if I get to feel yours". I replied "well, you can feel them but they're not new" to which she said "neither are mine. I said boots!" Mass hysteria as I'm sure you can imagine. Luckily she had a good sense of humor...
The night continued...Gwen showing her fine dancing skills (we still love you Gwen!), dancing on the bar, creepy girl that liked me (I told you I like BOYS!), table toppled over, unexpected Jitterbug flip (that's a fun one when your...well, you know), and free drinks baby!
So to wrap up...thanks girls! I can't tell you enough how much I loved that night and the stories that go with it. Unfortunately some of you will never be allowed out again (he said I looked like a librarian-I had to show him what I was made of :) but now we have an accurate-ish account of the nights activities to reflect on.
Wishing you all a wonderful day with friends and family tomorrow as we all remember what we are thankful for.
Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving!
Until next time...

Was it something I said...?

Gwen and Jennifer

Heather and Gwen

Only in Idaho...Beer in a martini glass with a straw.
The "Walk"
Jitterbug Flip Dude

The "Boots" Girl and her date
Um...yeah...I have no idea!
Again...no idea but it sure was funny!

1 comment:

Cristy said...

Rikki you are a riot, you make me laugh!!! Loved this blog you are such a great writer you know exactly how to express you thoughts and feelings into words, and that is a gift not many people can do, and you do it perfectly!! I want to come party with you and your friends, it looks like you really know how to have a good time!!!!